Key services include the provision by qualified therapists of:

  • Family Groups (in partnership with schools in areas of high deprivation) for parents/carers and children where children are at risk of failing in school due to behavioural, emotional and/or family issues
  • Parent Graduate Groups - a weekly, therapist led,  self-help group for parents/carers who have graduated from a Family Group
  • Food Project - we have set up food stalls within a number of schools that run Family Groups. The stalls help ensure that good food, destined for the landfill, is redistributed to local families.

We also offer training and other services.

These services include supervision, training and advice to school staff on a wide range of topics including:

  • child development and relationships
  • emotional and behavioural needs in school settings
  • working with families

In two of our Family Group programmes we run a Community of Practice, a professional development forum designed to build on the values and practice of Family Group in partner schools.

We run a Family Insight Group, a forum through which parent and child graduates support best practice and innovation in the Family Group model

For further details, contact us.