Our Safeguarding Group

The SFW Safeguarding Group was set up in January 2022 to oversee themes of safeguarding across the organisation. This group brings together the Board, Clinical Governance, & Executive team around themes and issues from front-line practice. SFW is the trading name of Transgenerational Change Ltd (TCL).


Purpose and scope

The functions of the SFW Safeguarding Group are:

· to ensure the proactive focus on safeguarding is prioritised

· to scrutinise the structural processes for highlighting safeguarding and child protection

· to ensure the safeguarding procedures are fit for purpose

· to identify and respond to emerging themes

· to ensure that policies and training are effective and comply with current guidance.



The SFW Safeguarding Group will report to the Board of Directors at quarterly Board meetings and make recommendations to the Board as appropriate.



Membership will comprise of the two Clinical Supervisor, the Practice Development Consultant lead, the two Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and the Chair of the Board of Directors.



The main tasks of the Safeguarding Group are to:

· highlight best practice and disseminate this across the organisation

· provide challenge and support for frontline practice

· draw up and review policies, frameworks and procedural material to enhance safeguarding practice

· develop connections with safeguarding professionals in LAs

· identify and ensuring appropriate safeguarding training for staff and board members

· find ways to respond and adapt to changing needs and emerging safeguarding themes.



· The group will meet once a term, and in emergencies

· Minutes will be sent out within a week of meetings